Exercise: 5 Top Tips
There is so much advice out there on exercise. The what, the where, the why, the when, that we can feel overwhelmed and end up not really engaging in it as it seems too daunting.
Here are my 5 Top Tips on how to make exercising work for you:
1. Little and often
It can be overwhelming when it comes to exercise and the ‘shoulds’ that come with it! Little and often is far better than the equivalent of ‘binge’ exercising! Try and do something most days; whether this is cardio including a jog/run, cycle, swim or walk. It might be taking the stairs more or doing the gardening or something fun like dancing around the house. It might even be hoovering. Other great forms of exercise include strengthening exercises, this might be with weights or just body weight and include going to the gym or staying at home or doing a class such as yoga or pilates.
2. Intuitive exercise
Listen to your body. Some days you might feel on top of the world and full of energy and want to run a 10k or do an hours gym session or a bootcamp class. Other days you might feel like staying at home and doing some gentle stretches or a home yoga class or some breathing exercises. We too often have guilt and exercise intertwined and find ourselves doing a certain type of exercise because we should rather than because we want to or it feels good.
3. Make it FUN
Do things you enjoy. After all, life is too short! Hate the gym…then don’t go. There are sooo many types of exercise and I promise you there is something for everyone. Try something different…I am a member of Class Pass and love this as it enables me to try new things and it doesn’t cost a fortune and it is easy! Link in with friends and make it a social occasion. I often go for a walk in the park and have a good long catch up with friends or do a class together and then go for brunch or coffee afterwards. I also love some of the online classes available on e.g. FIIT TV which are so easy to do in your living room and range from 10, 25 or 40 minute classes. They have a huge range fo classes and the instructors are lively and motivating.
4. Progress gradually
Don’t expect too much too soon. Start small and build. Some apps can be helpful e.g. Couch to 5k to help you get into running or Fitbod for weight training. Try to not jump too quickly, a good marker is no more than 10% increase at any one time.
5. Build it in to your routine
Try to make exercise as easy as possible. Join a gym near work or on your way to work and go either before or after or even at lunch! Try not to go home first if possible as otherwise the couch can be too attractive or you will often find 3000 other things to do. If gym isn’t your thing then maybe use exercise as your commute. Run or walk instead of driving or taking the bus/tube or train. Cycling is also a great option. Involve the whole family and maybe make exercise a new routine…Saturday morning Parkrun?